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Hello and a warm welcome to my site. I am Maria-Louise Mcgurk, owner of Plush Stitch. I'd like to thank you for visiting my online store. I hope you enjoy browsing through my products as much as I enjoy making them!

I would like to share a few words about my journey leading into owning plush stitch.


In 2008 I was blessed with my first beautiful child. Life was a huge change but in the most amazing way ever. I had my maternity leave and then tried to go back to work, only a few hours a day nothing  huge. I lasted but a few hours in total, my heart ached the whole time, I missed little girl like I'd never missed anyone before. I had to find another way to be able to earn and spend time with her. So being so strong willed, I did. That same year I switched careers to  become a private nanny. Then the following year I became a childminder, a career path I followed for 8 wonderful years. And within those 8 years I had 3 more amazing children. It was also during  that time I  took up sewing as a hobby. My husband brought me a machine one year as a gift and well, I got the bug! I just made gifts and clothes for my children and close friends to begin with and posted the odd picture on my Facebook or got nice comments when out, and before I knew it people were placing orders! I was taken aback, what a confidence boost and lovely feeling. Years later people were messaging to see if they commission a blanket like the one I had gifted as it had got so many comments and complimented on how well it washed.


Slowly over the years my makes have become more and more popular locally. I got an embroidery machine and worked hard learning how to use it over many hours and with help from other embroiderers on help pages. I now have 7 little whirlwinds of energy and childminding no longer a possibility as I’ve filled all the spaces with my own brood (good going right!). It's chaos, noisy, messy and at times just crazy. It's definitely exhausting but I love everything about being an at home mummy. I love the line full of washable nappies and the busy garden that sounds more like a school play ground from the outside! I love rainy days and mud kitchen play! And now my goal is to stay home and earn a living by making people beautiful things. Clothes that brighten the day whatever the weather, that are comfortable, that fit well and allow movement. All this is possible since spending many hours working with the best children's pattern designer ever in my opinion! All of my clothes are made from Puperita Patterns! If you love to sew yourself you will find them at https// 


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